Julia Mihály

Photo © Peter Fiebig

Julia Mihály

18 WEST – Songs für den Untergang

(2019 / new Version 2024)

Teresa Riemann, percussion
Laura Robles, percussion /electric bass Julia Mihály, composition / electric bass / voice / electronics

Saturday 13 July, 2024
See day program >

Julia Mihály works as a composer at the interface of new music, performance art, and electronic music. She develops multi-layered compositions consisting of sound, video, and performative elements, often in combination with electronic media and with a strong thematic reference to performance venues. She studied classical singing and electronic composition at the Hanover University of Music, Drama, and Media and supplemented her studies with courses at the ZKM Karlsruhe, STEIM Amsterdam, the Stockhausen Courses in Kürten, and as a participant in the Darmstadt Summer Course. Julia Mihály’s works have been presented at venues and events such as Tempo RealeFlorence, SPOR Festival Arhus, and NTU Centre for Contemporary Arts Singapore. Julia Mihály lives in Frankfurt am Main.


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