Photo © David Adamcyk

Alessandra Eramo / Zosha di Castri

The Dream Feed

(2021/22, UA)
commissioned by Heroines of Sound and funded by the Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung

Friday 8 July, 2022
See day program >

For the Heroines of Sound Festival 2022, sound artist and vocalist Alessandra Eramo creates a performance that references an electronic composition by Zosha Di Castri: During the pandemic, Di Castri developed an electronic composition and invited other musicians (who are also mothers) to improvise a response to her piece. She then assembled the recordings of these improvisations into a unique new composition. With this project, Di Castri also initiated a conversation on the artists’ experiences as both mothers and musicians navigating the seemingly incompatible worlds of professional music and motherhood while at the same time being confronted with personal challenges and profoundly inspiring moments in both worlds. Based on Di Castri’s composition, Alessandra Eramo interprets a new work for voice, word fragments, noise, and text using extended vocal techniques, electronics, field recordings and a tape collage. With her observations on reconciling time and productivity – in the sense of giving birth, or of coming into being (with regard to the earth, the plant world, and motherhood) – she explores the potential ambiguity of precarity/fluidity and dissonance/harmony.

Zosha Di Castri is a Canadian composer, pianist and sound artist. Her internationally performed work extends beyond purely concert music including projects with electronics, installations, and collaborations with video and dance. She has worked with ensembles and orchestras such as the BBC Symphony Orchestra and BBC Singers, the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal, the New York Philharmonic and JACK Quartet among others. Zosha Di Castri is a recent fellow at the Institute for Ideas and Imagination in Paris and a 2021 Guggenheim fellow. Her debut album Tachitipo (2019) can be found on New Focus Recordings. Zosha Di Castri is currently the Francis Goelet Assistant Professor of Composition at Columbia University. She lives in New York.

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